Transitioning and closure of Residential Care facilities.

MRO Played a significant role in cooperation with the government via MOSVY to advertise and promote the best practices of the national guidelines on child reintegration, RCI transition, and closure. MoSVY, Deputy Chief of Child Protection Department, Mr. Soth Chanvannak, participated and gave his interesting speech in: Mr. Soth Chanvannak: This is a first formal study tour he has been attended, this is really good in supporting other RCIs for their transitioning process under the technical person (Mr. Sat Sothy) who has more experiences on the inspection of Residential Care Institution. in addition, Mr. Sat Sothy (Dosvy at Kandal province) mentioned, don’t be afraid to come to me to discuss about how to transform from RCI care to community and family based care for children, I’m stand in this position many years already and I’ve also help so many organizations already about child protection areas so I am willing to support and help in any issues in relation to child protection and childcare. MoSVY, Deputy Chief of Child Protection Department, Mr. Soth Chanvannak, participated and gave his interesting speech.
Speech of MoSVY and RCI (Residential Care Institution) Directors
In this plan, one of the strategic activities is to “develop and implement guidelines, programs and procedures for child integration, diversion and closure of child care facilities”.
The Ministry of Social Welfare would like to thank all the stakeholders who have contributed to the provision of alternative care services for children and have turned this care into a community. Special thanks to Mlup Russey for their cooperation in supporting the successful design and implementation of this guideline. And supported by providing technical assistance to RCI directors, youth and children to respond effectively and improve the child welfare system.
Mr. Soth Chanvannak: This is a first formal study tour he has been attended, this is really good in supporting other RCIs for their transitioning process under the technical person (Mr. Sat Sothy) who has more experiences on the inspection of Residential Care Institution. in addition, Mr. Sat Sothy (Dosvy at Kandal province) mentioned, don’t be afraid to come to me to discuss about how to transform from RCI care to community and family based care for children, I’m stand in this position many years already and I’ve also help so many organizations already about child protection areas so I am willing to support and help in any issues in relation to child protection and childcare.
SCCO (Stellar Child Care Organization) We have been working so far with the good cooperation of Mlup Russey, which has provided technical knowledge to integrate and help us to create a youth support group in the community. The youth group consists of 14 people, 13 children and 9 girls. They developed a vision and a team development plan and a six-month action plan. More importantly, SCCO, which used to provide childcare services in the center, has diverted and created two major community activities: the supporting family income generation program and the Youth support group. was formed through SCCO Director, Mr. Nie Mai.
Speech of RCI Directors, and Their Donor
Mrs. UN Sampors mentioned that, nowhere better than the children home and family. Based on my experience as a Residential Care Institution Director, I assure that Residential care cannot provide a warmth relationship and love to the children like their biological family. I also want to declare that, the same budget but you can support more children in community than RCI care. It was a first surprise for me when I heard about transition to community and I also ask myself, why should we transform our RCI to community as the children are cared for very well with foods and health care supports in the center? I have attended many trainings as provided by MRO and other organizations about childcare and I have changed my perspectives about childcare in RCI. I have been supported by MRO and relevant authorities especially MoSVY officers as they have always given the recommendation and suggest for my RCI transition in 2017 Feb. Transformation from RCI care to community based care was not an easy process as I advocated with the donors and explained them step by step about the best interest of OVC as they must not be separated from their biological family and RCI care is always the last option for them.
SCCO Donor: SCCO’s donor also said, you have already visit some of good results from our hard working in community. we have discuss alot about the first transition from RCI to community based care and we start to learn a lot about that. so i have two questions for you to think about, how do you make sure the community is a safe place for children in Cambodia? and what are the roles of NGO, Gov, and community leader to ensure the community are safe for children? I focus on sustainability: how do you make sure that the family is independence in Cambodia society as they do not realize on outsiders as me and other country as well? Actually, I have been here for 10 years already and I have seen lot of things have change through our hard working. how about next 10 years, what should we be ready for the next transition in Cambodia?
Speech of EFC family and RCI
Kea Thol Emergency Family Care said: On behalf of me, I am a voluntary EFC Family. My wife and I (Mrs. Penn Chenda) decided to work with Mlup Russey on March 1, 2017. “We have compassion for children, want to help vulnerable children, want to help society by watching Take care of this child
Mrs. Khun Chenda CICFO Organization Director who attended the Study Tour said: “Mlup Russey made me more aware of the process of integrating children into the community. What motivates me even more is that I hear the words of a child who would rather live with his family than live in a center, even if the family is poor. In addition, I have heard and seen how SCCO and MAPC work with children and their families to bring them together, to provide them with warmth, to understand life skills, to get an education, and to create a career in Their families, too. In 2023, when my RCI has successfully Closurd, I will Produce Program of Child base care in Community and I will collaborate with Mlup Russey to create this program.
Speech of Children and their family
Voice of children: “I would like to share about my life from RCI care to community care, I am 17 years old and I feel that I am so lucky that was selected by the organization to live in the center. my life in the center is good, i have enough foods to eat, I can go to school and get a good result, but sometime i feel missing my family so much. RCI directors and teachers gave me the opportunity to visit my home in some of the big national events such as, Khmer new year, Pchum Ben. I feel miss my family so much sometime, and some of the time I also feel sad when i think of my family situation that they did not live togethers”.
Voice of grandmother of 2 children “I saw my grandchildren happy when they came to live with me, they were healthy and went to school and helped with a lot of housework that they lived in together in a house,” she said. Near me. I am so thankful that my grandson and I have been able to live together by supporting his studies and renting a house near me. In addition to teaching, I have volunteered to help the community in helping self-help groups (women) in the Khmouhn Commune, Sensor village, Phnom Penh.”